

The College follows city and state regulations regarding the use of alcoholic beverages. All members of the college community are expected to abide by the laws of the state, to conduct themselves in a manner reflecting credit on themselves and the College, 并共同承担这一政策的责任.


  1. Possession of alcohol anywhere on campus by anyone under the age of 21 违反了学校的饮酒规定.
  2. The possession and consumption of alcoholic beverages for those 21 years of age and over is permitted in a students' housing unit (residence hall room/suite/apartment/house 等.),只有在满足某些要求的情况下:
    1. 在由一个房间组成的住房单元中(纽曼、瓜达卢佩等).):
      1. 酒精 is never permitted in any capacity if any of the residents of that room are under the age of 21.
      2. 如果房间里的所有居民都是21岁或以上, beer and alcoholic beverages are permitted if there are no guests under 21 in the room when alcohol is being consumed.
    2. 在有公共空间的住房单元中,如休息室、厨房等. 通常可容纳两名以上居民的(排屋), 校园里的房子, 遗产, 伊丽莎白, 麦当劳, 等.): 这些单元的规范空间分为卧室和公共空间.
      1. 如果该房屋单位的所有居民年满21岁, beer and alcoholic beverages are permitted in both the common spaces and the bedrooms if no guests under 21 are presentwhen alcohol is being consumed.
      2. 如果你住在一个单位,其中一些但不是所有的居民都是21岁或以上, you should review the FAQ 酒精 Sheet and speak with your Residence Director as it 可能是 有可能在你的住房单元的卧室里存放和饮用酒精.
      3. 如果你的住房单元的部分但不是全部的居民是21岁, 任何公共场所都不能存放或饮用酒精.
      4. 如果你的住房单位没有21岁的居民, 在你的住房里,酒精是绝对不允许的.
  3. Consumption of alcohol is never permitted in any residential space on campus if there is a minor present. 不管谁在喝酒/不喝酒, 如果有未成年人在场, 所有在场的人都违反了学校的饮酒规定.
  4. Residents assigned to a housing unit are responsible for any violations of College policy (including the alcohol policy) that occur in their housing unit whether they are present or not.
  5. 不论年龄大小, (even if you are 21 or over) consumption of alcohol by students anywhere on campus in areas that are not designated drinking areas (apartment where all residents are 21 or over, 学院认可的啤酒花园, 等.)是违反学校政策的. 在停车场、公寓走廊、草坪等地方喝酒. 违反了学校的饮酒规定.
  6. 学生s who are 21 may host a function with alcohol on campus with prior approval from the 学生生活 Office.
  7. All alcohol must be packaged and unopened when brought onto the campus and transported to sanctioned drinking areas such as an apartment where every resident is 21 or over.
  8. Kegs are not allowed in the residence halls or at any student event unapproved by the 学生生活 Office. 除了所有违规者接受违反酒精政策的后果, 发现的桶/水龙头将被学院没收,不退还.
  9. Empty beer and alcoholic beverage containers are not permitted in non-21 year old rooms or common spaces in the residence halls. Possession of empty containers will be treated as full violations of the College alcohol policy.
  10. While there is no magic number which distinguishes between a few friends drinking and a party, 为了给出一些指导方针,已经对人数设置了一些限制. There 可能是 no more than eight (8) people in a room or sixteen (16) in a 麦当劳 suite; Kremmeter, 遗产, Lemke & Wolf Apartment; Row House; St. Joseph Suite; or campus house, when drinking occurs. Guests whose behavior is unacceptable will be requested to leave the residence hall and/or the College premises. 如果他们拒绝离开, 警方会被通知,学院会以非法侵入罪起诉.

恐吓或骚扰宿舍主任, resident assistant or college official in connection with problems due to drinking, 或者拒绝听从他们的指示, 可能导致立即停学.

No individual or group may interfere with the atmosphere that is expected in the residence halls where the primary purpose is the educational pursuits of residents.

不遵守饮酒规定将受到纪律处分. 在这样的事件中, the student’s ID will be requested and must be presented upon the request of a college official.

本政策不允许在住客房间举行任何形式的饮酒聚会, 但是允许居民适度饮酒, 他们都已成年, 在他们的房间里,有相当数量的客人.

如果学生对酒精政策不清楚, 鼓励他们与学院工作人员(住宿主任)会面, 等.),以厘清学院的政策.



我可以在卧室喝酒吗? No.

我可以在休息室喝酒吗? No.

其他21岁的人可以在我的卧室或休息室喝酒吗? No.

我们可以在卧室或休息室存放酒吗? No.

我们可以在卧室或休息室摆放空酒瓶作为装饰吗? No.


我能在未成年人面前喝酒吗? No.

我可以在卧室喝酒吗? 是的,如果没有未成年人在场的话.

我可以在休息室喝酒吗? 是的,如果没有未成年人在场的话.

如果休息室有未成年人,我可以在卧室喝酒吗? 是的,要关上门,而且你的卧室里没有未成年人.

我们可以在卧室或休息室存放酒吗? 是的.

我们可以在卧室或休息室里摆放空酒瓶作为装饰吗? No.

I’m 21, my roommate’s 21, one of our suitemates is 21, but the other suitemate is 20.

我能在未成年人面前喝酒吗? No.

我可以在卧室喝酒吗? 是的,如果没有未成年人在场,就关上门.

Can we drink in the lounge, if the under 21 suitemate is in their bedroom with the door closed? No.

如果21岁以下的室友周末不在,我们能在休息室喝酒吗? No, it doesn’t matter that the under 21 housemate is gone for the weekend or at class 等., drinking in the common areas will always/still be a violation of the alcohol policy.

我可以在卧室里存放酒吗? 是的.

我可以在休息室存放酒吗? No.

我们可以在卧室或休息室里摆放空酒瓶作为装饰吗? No.


我能在未成年人面前喝酒吗? No.

如果我室友不在,我能在房间里喝酒吗? No.

我能在我室友的房间喝酒吗? 是的,如果没有未成年人在场,就关上门.

Can we drink in the lounge, if the under 21 suitemate is in their bedroom with the door closed? No.

如果21岁以下的室友周末不在,我们能在休息室喝酒吗? No.

我可以在卧室里存放酒吗? No.

我可以在室友的卧室里存放酒吗? 是的,如果他们允许的话.

我可以在休息室存放酒吗? No.

我们可以在卧室或休息室里摆放空酒瓶作为装饰吗? No.


Benedictine College has a well-defined policy on both illicit drugs and controlled substance usage for its students. 现行政策禁止 非法 possession, use, and distribution of illicit drugs/drug paraphernalia by students 在学校财产或作为学校批准的活动的一部分.

All members of the college community are expected to abide by state and federal laws, to conduct themselves in a manner reflecting credit on themselves and the College, 并共同承担这一政策的责任.


The following behaviors would specifically violate the Benedictine College drug policy:

  1. 非法制造、分销和分配受管制物质.
  2. The possession or use of controlled substances without a physician's prescription.
  3. 持有或使用非法毒品/毒品用具.


  1. 的占有或使用 任何数量 这直接违反了本尼迪克特学院的毒品政策.
  2. 的占有或使用 drug paraphernalia including but not limited to marijuana pipes, 大麻研磨机, 声音, 等. 直接违反了本尼迪克特学院的毒品政策.
  3. 无处方持有或使用管制药物(如.g., possession and or usage of Adderall without a prescription) 直接违反了本尼迪克特学院的毒品政策.

受管制物品包括麻醉品, 兴奋剂, 镇静剂, 迷幻剂, and performance-enhancing substances deemed illegal to possess without a doctor's prescription by federal or state statutes. Illicit usage or abuse of controlled substances does not include use pursuant to a valid prescription or other uses authorized by law.

Failure to follow the drug and controlled substance policies will result in disciplinary action by Benedictine College. Violations of this policy are serious in nature and the outcomes given will reflect the severity of the violation. Specific determination of consequences in each case will be made by the appropriate College administrator and any applicable hearing or conduct boards. Consequences for students discovered in violation of the drug policy may include: notification of law enforcement officials, $500.00细, 药物评价, 家长通知, 药物测试, 缓刑, 休学或开除.
